General Incorporated Association Art Powers Japan
In the world, globalization and digitalization of economy and society is making progress, creating new business model and innovation that made most of culture including art, or foster talent that has flexible and creative ideas are highly attracted people’s attention.
We set a goal to enhance quality of life through the Art, we are involved in sustainable development of the art industry as an important industry to support Japan's economy, and contribute to strengthening of Japan's industrial competitiveness ; by create fields of various self-expression ; by create places where traditional culture and modern art culture meet ; by create bases where induce new activities in the local area.
・Planning and Development of Artistic central area
・Planning and Managing of Art Events
・Things about Japanese traditional culture and modern art culture
・Training of young artists
・Education and Study of Art
・Consulting, Publicity, Advertisement and Selling of Arts
・Encouraging Art and local industries to collaborate
・Things which target inbound tourists
・Things about Sports
・Things about Lifestyle
3.Office:F2 Aphyu Hiroo Building, 3-17-1, Hiroo Shibuyaku ,Tokyo