
2020年、創建100年を迎えた明治神宮にて、日本博の主催・共催型プロジェクトとして、芸術と文化の祭典「神宮の杜芸術祝祭」が開催されました。明治神宮を会場に、厳かな雰囲気をまとった大自然の中での野外彫刻展や美術展、神宮周辺で発展した現代文化の企画展など、様々なイベントが年間を通して実施されましたが、その中の1つで、明治神宮ミュージアムにて開催された「百年の杜のアート 紫幹翠葉」展の際に制作、展示された扇面型パネル作品30点です。

E1 “Shikan-Suiyo: Art in the Centennial Forest”

In 2020, the "Jingu no Mori Art Festival," a festival of art and culture, was held at Meiji Jingu Shrine, celebrating the 100th anniversary of its founding, as a project organized and co-sponsored by the Japan Expo. Various events were held throughout the year at Meiji Shrine, including outdoor sculpture and art exhibitions in the austere atmosphere of nature, and special exhibitions of contemporary culture that developed around the shrine. These works are one of the 30 japanese fan-shaped panels created and exhibited during the exhibition "Art of the Centennial Forest: Shikan-Suiyo" held at the Meiji Jingu Museum.